對話內文逐字搞 Transcript:

A: Jim, are you going to the game on Saturday?

B: Well I haven’t thought too much about it.

A: Well you really should think about it and you could come with me.

B: Well I really don’t understand American football or all the excitement about playing against certain schools.

A: Well if you have a few minutes now, let’s go to the cafeteria. I’ll get a cola and I’ll explain why it’s so exciting. I’m part of a campus experience.

B: Sure, I have an hour before my next class.

A: Well, first of all Saturday’s game is the most important game of the season. It’s going to be exciting because both teams are really good. You told me that you don’t understand American football, but I can explain it to you. I know that the word “football” may mean soccer to you because you are an International student. But the two are very different. In American football, each team is trying to make a touchdown, and to do that, they start the game by tossing a coin and one team kicks to the other.

B: Okay, but I don’t understand too much of what happens after that.

A: Bright. Well awfully kickoff, the team with the ball has four times to try to get a ten yards down the field to the opponents go past. They can run or pass the ball. If they gain enough yards then they get four more tries.

B: Well if they make all the way down the field and cross the final line is that the touchdown?

A: Exactly. And that score worth six points. Then they have a chance to earn an extra point, which means they can kick the ball through the gulf coast or run the ball to what they call the end zone to one or two points. One is kicking and two is running. Does that make sense?

B: And then the other team gets to try?

A: Bright! Now, if one team gets close to the goal line and only has one more down, wait a minute, let me back up. Each the four tries escorted down: first, second, third and fourth. If a team doesn’t make ten yards by the third down, he has to decide weather to keep trying and give up the ball to the other team or continue try to make the rest of the ten yards.

B: Okay, then tell me what you were going to say about what happens in a team gets close to the final line but only has one more chance.

A: Well, what happens is that the team can not try to keep going and if it doesn’t make it touchdown the other team will get the ball where the ball is. The other thing that’ll probably happen is that the team with the ball will try for a field goal. That means the team will try to kick the ball through the gulf coast just like offer touchdown, but this time they will only get three points if they kick it successful. Understand?

B: I think I’m getting the idea, but it is still kind of confusing.

A: Well I really think you would enjoy the game and watching the crowds and the band at halftime. If you are working Saturday afternoon, it would be a great break from studies. We can meet it about 12:15 and walk to the stadium. The game starts at 1:30 and the pre-game activities are great. The game will be over about 4:30. So you will have your evening to do what you wanted. How about it?

B: Well, it does sound like fun. Would you be willing to explain more to me as the game goes along if I don’t understand something?

A: Of course! Why did you walk over to my dorm? It’s on the way from your dorm to stadium. And then we can go from there.

B: OK. I will be at your dorm at about 12:15. Thanks for asking me to go and thanks for explaining the game. I think it will be a fun way to spend a Saturday afternoon. I have to run to class now but I’ll see you Saturday.

A: Great! So glad you want to go. See you Saturday.


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